Bienvenidos a la Formación de Fe de la Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Usted ha seleccionado un programa de formación de fe católica romana para su hijo/a donde se enseñará la doctrina de la iglesia católica romana, configurando documentos actuales, incluyendo el Catecismo de la iglesia católica y la utilización de programas diocesanos de formación de catequistas.La formación de la fe es mucho más que transmitir los hechos ~ se trata de la formación. La vida de cada católico, desde la niñez hasta la adultez, se trata de estar formada en la imagen de Cristo. ¡ Este proceso de formación es siempre nuevo y nunca termina! Una hora cada semana en una clase de formación de fe simplemente no es suficiente para la formación. Asistir a las liturgias dominicales, orar diariamente, conversar acerca de Jesús y leer las escrituras es esencial. La instrucción primaria de la familia católica ocurre en la liturgia de domingo. Viviendo en un mundo con valores conflictivos, necesitamos la Eucaristía para ayudarnos a estar firmes el uno con el otro en nuestra fe y convertirnos en los seguidores de Cristo a los que estamos llamados por nuestro bautismo. La familia es el primer foro en el que se desarrolla la misión de evangelización. Por lo tanto, se reconoce que los padres tienen la responsabilidad primordial de entrenar a sus hijos en la práctica de la fe (Vaticano II, la iglesia en el mundo moderno). *Con su cooperación, esta oficina le ayudará en este deber sagrado proporcionando oportunidades para que los padres y los niños desarrollen sus vidas de oración y su comprensión formal de la fe católica.Para mas informacion por favor llame a Diana B. Martinez, Directora de Formacion al 361-664-2953
or 361-664-0437
depues de las 5p.m los miercoles.
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Lk 14:1-6 The people are observing Jesus, presumably to catch him in an unlawful act. Jesus confronts them with a challenging question. No one answers. Jesus answers his own question by healing the man. Then he asks if one of their own had an accident wouldn’t their response be to rescue even if on the Sabbath. Again, there is silence. Jesus, you open our minds to serve you by serving others no matter the circumstances. This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.
Great Catholic families make mistakes: As Catholics, we believe that we are created in the image and likeness of God ... but this doesn’t mean that we are gods. The older we get, the more we realize how human we all are. We let each other down. We fail. We sin. And yet, to thrive as individuals and as a family, we have learned that there is a fine line between making a mistake and believing that you are a mistake. God does not make mistakes. We are each created with dignity, and we are all special in God’s eyes. Great Catholic families know that shame is hard to undo once it’s done. Even the biggest mistakes require a healthy dose of patience and love in order to ensure that they don’t become weak spots in an otherwise strong family. Faith Builder: Does your family keep alive old wounds? Take some time together to bury old mistakes and genuinely move on from them. Great Catholic families fight fair: As much as we wish family life were perfect, the reality is that all families experience conflict. We’re going to fight. Not selling siblings into slavery like Joseph’s brothers did is a good start, but even fighting has rules. Families that fight fair carry with them an application of the Ten Commandments, even when they are in the middle of a family crisis. Some examples: Steering clear of using the Lord’s name in vain in a heated debate. Honoring mothers and fathers (and daughters and sons and sisters and brothers and so on). Telling the truth, gently, even though it may hurt. Family members who fight for personal victory miss out on how great it feels to work through a struggle together, and win as a team. Great Catholic families check tempers, are respectful of one anothers’ strengths and weaknesses, and always remember that obstacles make us stronger Faith Builder: Create and display your family’s rules for conflict: “No sulking, no lying, no grudges, etc.” This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.
Gracious God, your ways are greater than our hearts can comprehend; Your love is immense; your mercy and forgiveness stretch beyond the limits of our understanding. Teach us to know your ways, and give us the grace to focus always on your love, so that we may share that love in the world through our stewardship of all we are and have and will be. We ask this in the name of the One whose way is our way, Jesus Christ our Lord, who is one with you and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. This article comes to you from Grace In Action ( Our Sunday Visitor ) courtesy of your parish or diocese.
“God is pleased by every act of mercy, because in the brother or sister that we assist, we recognize the face of God which no one can see (cf. Jn 1:18).” — Pope Francis Reflection: What acts of mercy have you done recently? Pause for a moment and recall someone you assisted or who assisted you in some way within the last few weeks. How, if at all, do you recognize God in that person? This content comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.
Sobre nosotros
Les damos la bienvenida a todos a ser parte de nuestra comunidad.