The Parish Finance Council is a consultative body of lay persons established to advise the pastor in matters pertaining to the financial affairs of the parish. The authority of the pastor is not diminished by the establishment of the Parish Finance Council; rather, the council serves as a resource of knowledge and expertise on financial matters, placing these skills at the service of the pastor and the parish.
The Finance Council is directed by the values of the Gospel in fulfilling it's responsibilities, as well as by good business practices. Efficient and effective use and management of parish resources must be measured as much by their contribution to parish mission and ministry as by commonly accepted business standards. This body is advisory in nature or consultative in nature and exists to advise the pastor in financial matters.
The Youth Faith Formation Council is composed of the leaders of the various youth ministries (i.e. Lifeteen, Sacramental Prep, CCD and the Teen Retreat Ministry). They meet and work closely with the Director of Life Long Faith Formation to coordinate efforts and to collaborate on all matters that affect the spiritual and catechetical formation of the youth of the parish community so that members of the parish.
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